Tuesday, August 31, 2010

365 - Day Twenty Seven

Can you guess what he's been eating?

Monday, August 30, 2010

365 - Day Twenty Six

It was a beautiful night. I enjoyed sitting outside watching my little man play and also watching the dragonflies flying around the sky. If only every day could be this nice....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

365 - Day Twenty Five

Found this Monarch caterpillar today in our gardens.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

365 - Day Twenty Four

Today was such a beautiful day. I had my camera with me all day and took so many pictures that I could not decide on just one.... so here they are....

In the morning Nick and I decided to go out into the woods with Mike while he took down a dead tree. Nick liked to watch from a distance....

He even brought his own saw so he could help out...

Later on I kicked back and grabbed a hard cider to sip on - mmm mmm good, and watched Nick fix his ATV.

It was a good day!

Friday, August 27, 2010

365 - Day Twenty Three

Spent a lot of time outside after work with my little man, it is very hard to get a good portrait of him. He never sits still. I guess he is a typical 3 year old..... here is one of the best from today.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

365 - Day Twenty Two

I am loving having the windows open and the nice fresh air... here is the last of our flowers, the only few not wilting and brown.... I will miss summer....notice the tiny little spider on middle flower... what is it with spiders... it's like they know I hate them.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

365 - Day Twenty One

Another night indoors- rain rain go away!! Was a very busy night so not much time for my camera. I did try to get a picture of me and Nick. I could not get him to stop making this face..... it's the same in every picture I took.

I am crossing my fingers for sun tomorrow, want to get back outdoors.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

365 - Day Twenty

My little man taking his evening bath..... he loves being silly.

Monday, August 23, 2010

365 - Day Nineteen

Today was a very cool and rainy day so we are staying indoors. I decided to finally purchase Toy Story 1 and 2 for my little man. I think he likes it... what do you think?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

365 - Day Eighteen

The weather is awful right now so it's a good thing I took advantage and got some pictures this morning. Before my niece and nephew left the kids got some outside play time. Sky wanted to hold a turkey....

and this is as far as she got... I don't think she realized how big they were. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

365 - Day Seventeen

I had a really great day with my little man. My niece and nephew are here for a sleepover. The kids are having a blast with minimal yelling which is always a plus... lots of outdoors time including a walk. We ended the evening with a campfire and some roasted marshmallows.

Here are the three amigos.... being silly of course....

Friday, August 20, 2010

365 - Day Sixteen

My little man and I went outside to play after work today. What is he doing you may ask? Well he is doing what any boy living out in the country does before getting on his swing. He is cleaning off the spiderwebs.

Our gardens are still doing great and the tomato plants are producing a ton of fruit. Most of the tomatoes are still green, I can't wait to sink my teeth into them.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

365 - Day Fifteen

The only subject that would sit still for me today.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

365 - Day Fourteen

This grasshopper thought he could hide from us, too bad he was in a very green shrub and not in the dirt driveway.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

365 - Day Thirteen

Almost two weeks since I started my 365 project. I am really enjoying using my camera so much. Today, my little man Nick asked me to take a picture of a caterpillar that was crawling on his pumpkin. How could I say no to his cute little smile? Of course after the picture was taken he proceeded to terrorize the poor thing. Boys will be boys.

Monday, August 16, 2010

365 - Day 12

The old man taking a break on the lawn.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

365 - Day Eleven

Lots of excitement in our house today. Nick played with a salamander this morning, Mike found him in the wood pile. We had a nice time outside today, watching the chickens and sitting by the fire pit.

The chickens love to give themselves dust baths. I love watching them roll around in the dirt and then shake off like a dog.

We even picked a carrot to eat with our dinner. It sure was yummy.

We ended the evening with some fun sitting by the fire. OK, so Nick didn't exactly want to sit still, he was overfull with energy today.

365 - Day Ten

I had a bit of a computer issue last night so no post but here are the pictures from day ten.

Nick saw his daddy outside splitting wood....

so he just had to go outside and help him.

Friday, August 13, 2010

365 - Day Nine

We went for a ride on the ATV this evening, it was a beautiful night for it. Nick loves driving with his dad.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

365 - Day Eight

Our Thanksgiving turkeys arrived today. Nick enjoyed petting and hugging them. We didn't tell him they will be served for dinner in a few months.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

365 - Day Seven

All of our summer flowers have come and gone, but this daylily bloomed a little late. I am glad it did, I was missing all the beautiful colors in our gardens.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

365 - Day Five

What's for dinner you ask? Beer can chicken! Mmmm Mmmm good.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

365 - Day Four

We took our dog Roux out for a little bit of training. She's great at finding birds and is pointing one here....

Nick - "Pigeon, your friends are over there." He loves all his animals.

We decided since the pumpkins were done for the year, why not carve one?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

365 - Day Three

Today was just a hang around and get chores done kind of day. I spent some time outside this morning with my little man. He never wants to have his picture taken, so I get faces like this.....

... so I have to catch him in moments like this....

This next picture is our pumpkins, they decided to turn orange in July. I guess that means we won't be using them to carve at Halloween this year.

Friday, August 6, 2010

365 - Day Two

Today after work we decided to check out the local farmer's market. There was a man there making amazing balloon sculptures. We watched him make a front loader and a reindeer. What did Nick want him to make? A chicken.

Maybe next year we should sell some of the produce from our garden. The peppers are looking good.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

365 Photo Project - Day One

I have decided to try and take at least one picture every day for the next year. It may be more than one but I am striving for at least one photo every day to post here. So here goes.... Day One

I was outside taking pictures of the flowers in our garden after a rain. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something bright yellow. I turned to see a huge spider hanging mid air from his web right above the Bee Balm. Now me.. having arachnophobia... my first instinct was to run. I mustered all the courage I could, got my telephoto on (partly to stay as far away as possible, party because he was too far in the garden) and started taking pictures. I was looking for different angles and realized he was holding onto something. It looks like he caught a bee. I also came across a dragonfly, who sat and posed for me.